Tamil Hd Video Songs Download 1080p Movie
We all know how irritating it can be to search high and low for a song to download and end up with an overly compressed version that's too small even for the shuffle function. This article will teach you how to find and download tamil hd video songs in 1080p resolution. You'll never have to worry about the quality again! See more: https://www.pscp. tv/w/1b24U27ITL8yUk Now, the first thing you should know is that there is no online source for 1080p audio. If you have come here looking to download a video file then this article is NOT for you. Fortunately, all the songs from the tamil hd video songs 1080p bundle are easily downloaded as mp3 files straight from youtube. Here's how: Step 1: Download and install youtube-dl on your computer, this program will let us download videos from youtube straight to our computer. Follow this link for all the details: https://yt-dl. org/downloads/ Step 2: Go to youtube.com and look for a video with a 1080p resolution. Search for artist name or song artist name and click on the download button that appears on the right side of the screen. You'll be redirected to a new page where you'll see the mp3 files available for download. Choose the one you prefer and upload it to your computer (you can also upload it to youtube, we won't mind). Step 3: Once your song is uploaded, right click on it and choose properties from the drop down menu at the top, go over to 'Advanced' > copy link address > go back to step 1 and click on 'save link as... ' followed by 'ok' to have the mp3 file saved straight on your computer. Step 4: Open youtube-dl and browse to the location where you placed the downloaded file. Just right-click on the file and then choose 'extract audio'. This will extract all the mp3 files in that same folder. Here are some screenshots of what you should see: Step 5: After extracting, go to youtube-dl > open video link > right click on it > open properties > go over to 'download location' and paste the address where you saved the file at step 4. Click ok and wait for a few seconds till complete. Step 6: Go to the location where you saved all the mp3 files (in my example, on desktop it's C:\Users\User Name\Downloads\) and right click on the file. From the dropdown menu choose 'open with'. Choose notepad or any other text editor and open up all your song files. You'll notice that they're all in uppercase (ALL CAPS). Step 7: Now we need to change their lowercase status to .mp3 and also change back their type from ANIMATED to NON ANIMATED.